Thursday, September 25, 2014

6180 the moon Released on Steam

Wow, what a long way we've come. Two years ago I was sitting in a squalid little office with Sun Park from Turtle Cream, coding a platform base for a game jam. I did that for 6180 seconds, and here we are, 6.18e7 seconds later, selling like pretty hot cakes.

We're off to a Steamy start on Steam. Reviews are raving, and the moon is shining. I'm pretty happy, just a bit sad I quit halfway along the ride. I feel like a parent who abandoned his son trying to sneak in the fortune he made. I'm proud of him and angry at me at the same time. But it's just how it is.

So go get your moon right now, while the promotion lasts: 75% off for owners of Sugar Cube: Bittersweet Factory, and 15% off for everyone else. Go!