This is our second trailer for 6180 the moon, for the IGF 2013!
Yeah, we didn't make it into finalists for IGF China 2012. But we gotta stop trying, right?
Anyway, this trailer reveals a bit of the storyline as well as more gameplay footage and a new soundtrack.
Hope you guys enjoy it! We're working hard on the game. It'll be available for purchase soon, so stay tuned!
Oh yeah, I made a new logo for myself. It doesn't look half as bad as the one I had on our previous trailer. Well, considering that previous logo was made from scratch on five in the morning after a sleepless night full of coding and testing and redbull and coffee, I think I deserve a break.. But anway, here's my new logo.
Until next time, let peace and love prevail the world.
This is a new project I've been working on, called "Apeirogon". Although the game is yet very primitive, you can still try it out and tell me what you think.
Move with ASDW, shoot with mouse left button, use special ability with mouse right button.
You can switch between a bomb (1) and a time slower (2) using the respective number keys. You can download the game here.
Hello, World, and the citizens inhabiting it! A mighty fine morning to you. My name is PokPoong. I am an Indie Game developer, and this is my Blog. I've been using Mark Overmars's Game Maker to create games for about six years now. Up to this point, I've only been using Korean websites for publishing my games, but now I've decided to go global. So, I will be uploading my games, news, and information here. Unfortunately, the vast majority of my games are made in Korean, so it will take some time for me to translate them and upload them here. If you are Korean or happen to know Korean, visit for my previous Korean blog. You can also visit for a pretty big Game Maker community that I vice-manage. Anyway, it's very nice to meet each and every one of you. Regularly visit this website for updates and new games!